


South Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. (STEC)


Oct 8 2011 - No info on dollars as yet, contracted survey team has not yet contacted us for access, but expect that to occur soon.  Tommy Smithson - Leasee -  has been notified.



From STEC : Notice letter of final Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) decision on route of electrical power transmission line and it's impacting the Pecos County property  (Surface acreage)



Copy of PUC's Order approving construction



Misc / FYI


Power lines and property values. PDF

Very interesting article by a MAI (The PhD's of Real Estate Appraisers)

      His little story at the end of the article sort of says it all:

Back in the days when agents representing a newly formed railroad were buying land for right of way they

encountered some shrewd bargainers among the Indians. One Chief was asked whether he would sell a small eroded

piece of land.

"Sure, me sell for $50,000," said the Chief.

"$50,000! Why that land is no good for planting or pasture. It is just no good for anything!" the agent exclaimed.

The Chief grunted, "It heep good for railroad ."

Another power company's (Bonneville Power Admin) flyer on living and working around High Voltage power lines


Sample Texas utility/power line easement